Tuesday 22 March 2011

Pictures used for school magazinee

This is a small list of the pictures taken that I will be using for the school magazine. They range in aspects and camera techniques used.

I plan on using this picture for the contents page, as the contents page will be the main part of the magazine and this is the mail room in the school. The colours aren't too heavy and are quite light, so blending in some text on the side of the picture or on the same page as the picture won't become too much of a difficult task to achieve.

The picture above of the school car park would provide a good source to use for the contents page, I am planning to playy around with the lighting and mood of the picture so that text can be easily put down the side of the image and show up quite visibly. The only problem is that I normally struggle to do ANYTHING with photoshop as that programme seems, to me at least, impossible to use.

This is the image I'm going to most likely use for the front cover of my school magazine. Being probably one of the better visual places in the school, I want to use a more easy on the eyes picture for the front cover to make it more attractive for viewers. I'm hoping to use photoshop to edit the lighting on the picture as the top of the image is extremly light in contrast to the bottom of the image which is fairly flat and dulled.

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